• St. Mary's Episcopal Church
  • St. Mary's Episcopal Church
  • St. Mary's Episcopal Church
  • St. Mary's Episcopal Church
  • St. Mary's Episcopal Church
  • St. Mary's Episcopal Church
  • St. Mary's Episcopal Church
  • St. Mary's Episcopal Church

About Us

Welcoming to all; Family and outreach centered; Diverse in all ways.

We are the largest Episcopal church in the Eugene-Springfield area, and have a variety of services from Rite 1 to our monthly Contemplative Eucharist Service. We embrace our diversity, and strive to help others with our various ministries.

All are welcome to worship at St. Mary’s, no matter what age, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation or economic or social circumstances.

Our Services

A quieter and more traditional service using the majestic and poetic language and cadences of Elizabethan English, including words like thee, thy, and thou. We do have music at this service.
Often described as the Family Service, the 9:30 service is an intergenerational service that makes a special effort to especially welcome and include children and youth. Some things you will notice that are a bit unique at this service include: children and youth being invited forward to stand at the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer and a slightly different service order with the children and youth going to Sunday School during the recessional hymn while the adults stay to listen to the sermon.
Worship at the 11 AM has a dignified solemnity. The adult choir sings at this service during most of the year. We use incense during part of the year. Some refer to this as the “smells and bells” service.
At the Spanish language service, we celebrate the Eucharist every week in the primary language of many of our members. We make a special effort at this service to welcome children. After the opening hymn and prayers, the children hear a children's story, and then they go to Sunday School for music and crafts, returning for the Peace. During the Eucharistic Prayer, the children join us around the altar.
Holy Eucharist with healing and anointing in the chapel.

What to Expect

What are services like?
For information on specific services please see the "Service Times" section of this site. We have a variety of formats to serve our diverse congregation, including traditional Rite I and Rite II, and Contemplative Eucharist Service. Traditional services follow our Book of Common Prayer, and sometimes add liturgy from other resources.

What is the community like?
We are a diverse congregation with a broad spectrum of age, economic means, education level, and political views. All are welcome to worship at St. Mary’s, no matter what age, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation or economic or social circumstances. We have an active social life at St. Mary's, with a youth fellowship group, a quilting group, a knitting (and other needle arts) group, and many other opportunities to get to know each other. We have a variety of outreach programs, most notably a weekly Saturday breakfast delivered to a variety of locations for our hungry neighbors.

What if I'm not a Christian?
We welcome everybody, regardless of where you are on your spiritual path. You are welcome to participate in our services however you feel comfortable. We have periodic classes for those considering baptism or confirmation, and all are welcome to participate in these classes.


What Members Say

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  • Matt Friday
    My husband and I visited St. Mary's Episcopal Church many years ago, perhaps 2011, joining already dear friends in our neighborhood. Our own backgrounds included Catholic and Episcopal faith traditions so, with a generous intro including warm tales of community service and a friendly congregation, we waded into another stream of Eugene's liberal worship and progressive chambers of heart.
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