St. Elizabeth's

About Us

inclusive, mission, music, welcoming,

Founded in 1984, St. Elizabeth's mission has been to welcome the wider community into an inclusive, loving church home.

At St. Elizabeth’s, we embrace our liturgy and church traditions while finding meaning from sermons that relate to our daily lives. We join together at the communion table for strength and renewal. The foundation of our parish life together is our practice of the sacred liturgy that is enhanced by our music and Christian formation programs.

We have a congregation that has been deeply committed to outreach and that commitment has taken the form of many projects from feeding the homeless to building Habitat houses. We take seriously and joyfully our call to minister to all of God’s people and that continues to be part of our mission.

Besides our commitment to outreach, our parish has developed lay pastoral care for our own families. For years, our parish has provided meals for families in crisis. We actively pursue ways to attend to the needs of our older parishioners, many of whom need assistance attending church or receiving Holy Communion.

We discern our vision to be a Christian community who, following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, welcomes all sorts and conditions of men, women and children in a spirit of love, forgiveness, acceptance, truthfulness and reconciliation so that together we may grow in our capacity to love God with our whole heart, mind, soul and spirit, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

As followers of Jesus Christ, our mission is to grow in understanding, in gratitude, in service, in ministry and in peace.

Our Services

Traditional language - no music or nursery
Contemporary language with music & nursery
Short family-oriented service with music(Sept through May)
Prayer Services
Prayer Services

What to Expect

What are services like?
Episcopal prayer book services. Large choir

What if I'm not a Christian?
Who ever you are, where ever you are, you are welcome.


What Members Say

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