Saint Peter's Lutheran Church

About Us

from the church website: saintpeters. orgGod likes stories! The story of Saint Peter's begins in Genesis in a garden where God has made all things and they are good. It is a story of covenant, a testament, both old and new, which reached cosmic fulfillment in the person of Jesus. It is a story of a people who are inevitably linked as part of one global family. The story of Saint Peter's in one of a diverse group of people and communities who continue in the tradition of the apostles. "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers". (Acts 2:42)Our particular story is linked to places like Wittenberg and Geneva and Uppsala and Augsburg. In later centuries we have come from places as diverse as Berlin and Stockholm and Rio de Janeiro and Soweto and San Juan and Sydney. Today we are a growing congregation with roots from all parts of the world, embracing many who are not "native Lutherans". Ours is a story of a people who have loved New York through times of war and times of peace, in blizzard and blackout, heat wave and cold spell, in springtime as well as harvest. We find delight in being urban apostles with a mission in our beloved city, celebrating the city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem. But our story is not complete. We are on a continuing journey. Reconciling in Christ, our life together reflects the diversity of our members: gathering afresh to hear God's promises, to seek ways to live out the faith and to offer our God-given gifts in service to others. Together we witness, share our joys and sorrows, join in worship and play in that ever homeward-bound journey toward the welcoming arms of a waiting God.

English, Spanish



619 Lexington Avenue
(at 54th Street)
New York, NY 10022

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