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Bethel Baptist Church in Brandon,MS 39042
128 Bethel Church Rd, Brandon, MS

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  • Subject: Bring the Christian of the year to your church at no cost to you

    Hi pastor;

    I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mutzie, and I am a professional Christian comedian who was recently honored with the prestigious Red Letter Awards Christian Comedian of the Year title. Additionally, I have been humbled with the recognition of New Orleans Entertainer of the Year twice. With a heart for spreading joy and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I have made it my mission to bring laughter and inspiration to communities across the country.

    I am reaching out to offer my services to your church as a means of providing a unique and uplifting experience for your congregation and the local community. I perform shows solely on a love offering basis, ensuring that everyone, regardless of financial means, can enjoy an evening of laughter while also receiving a message of hope and faith.

    My requirements are simple: I only ask for a hotel room for the day of the show. The love offering collected during the event is my sole compensation. This model has allowed me to reach diverse audiences and share the joy of the Gospel in a meaningful and accessible way.

    I am proud to share that my performances have been well-received in over 200 churches, and each community has reported an increase in church membership following my show. Moreover, with a strong social media presence of over 500,000 followers, I am able to connect with a wide audience and generate excitement for upcoming events. I believe that my show can serve as a powerful outreach tool for your church, fostering a warm and welcoming environment for both existing members and potential new attendees.

    I would be honored to bring my unique blend of comedy and faith to your church and support your ministry's outreach efforts. I am confident that together, we can create an evening that will be both memorable and impactful for all who attend.

    I am open to discussing potential dates and details for a performance at your earliest convenience. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity further, please feel free to reach out to me at your convenience. I am more than willing to provide additional information or answer any questions you may have.

    Thank you for considering this opportunity, and I look forward to the possibility of working together to create a truly special event for your congregation.

    In Christ alone ,

    My cell is (228) 223-7669 and all of my info is on my website which is Mutzie.com