Grace Family Church

About Us

the people of the second chance

Grace is a church where you can be real...we are bunch of real people dealing with real issues and encountering real grace in Jesus Christ! The church is known for being a really friendly place and we encourage people to wear whatever they want to worship. There is no dress code except this...just wear something. Prepare to laugh, have some fun and get energized for the week ahead. We are a life-giving church which means that we strive to make sure that people leave lifted up and challenged more than when they came in. The church is getting ready to build on the Loop as we are out-growing our present facility.

Our Services


What to Expect

What are services like?
Very casual, easy going with a passionate side for preaching. Friendly to everyone!

What is the community like?
Lots of ages...people who have been there forever and those who are brand new. Lots of variety with races and ages.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Very open to folks who are interested in learning more or have questions.


What Members Say

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