St. John's Episcopal Church

  • St. John's Episcopal Church
  • St. John's Episcopal Church
  • St. John's Episcopal Church
  • St. John's Episcopal Church
  • St. John's Episcopal Church
  • St. John's Episcopal Church
  • St. John's Episcopal Church
  • St. John's Episcopal Church

Our Services

Traditional worship service
Bible Study

What to Expect

What are services like?
We offer a traditional Episcopal worship service weekly. One Sunday per month a small praise band celebrates a contemporary music ministry.

What is the community like?
St. John's is warm, friendly, interactive, and welcoming to all people, without exception.

What if I'm not a Christian?
We are A Family Loving God's Children Without Exception. Christian Life is an act of balance. We believe that love, the bonds of community, and serving the needs of others bring us closer to God. Together, we learn, and do the work of Jesus.


What Members Say

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